Friday 20 November 2009

The Greatest Song of the Seventies

The greatest song from the seventies is an impossible choice to make. The challenge by my friend Gary, though, made it clear that I had to choose just one song.

In November 1971, a song was released that has become one of the most legendary and unforgettable songs ever released. The song was composed by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant and nobody could have written a better “musical representation of an orgasm”. In fact, nobody has. The song has been regarded through generations as the greatest rock song ever. It’s a song like this one that makes you wonder why music is no longer like this. Why must modern music be commercially made to make only teenage girls happy for five minutes? Would we rather have a song that lasts throughout history or a song that last five minutes? I personally would prefer more songs like Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin.

Although, just because everybody else thinks that Stairway is the greatest song, does this really make it true? Is Stairway to Heaven my choice for the best song of the seventies? There are so many other choices I could make, for example Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Hotel California by the Eagles, Bat out of Hell by Meat Loaf, or Hey Jude by the Beatles. So many choices, so many legends, so many unforgettable songs to choose from, but I must choose just one.

This is a rare case when I will agree with the majority. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin is in my opinion the greatest song from the 1970’s.

Have a listen to the greatness:

Tuesday 15 September 2009

The Greatest Song of the Sixties

This was a difficult choice, but to be honest with you it could only be one song and that song came from the songwriting genius Paul McCartney and was performed originally by the fab four, the Beatles.

Let It Be is a song that echoes through time and is never forgotten. It is a song that reaches into your soul and tugs at it so hard that you feel as if you’re going to cry tears of joy and tears of sadness. It is a song that can make even the shallowest of people stop and think. For me, I think of the people I have lost in life, I think of the people I know suffering from illness at this time, and I also remember all the people I met in India who are less fortunate than I am. The song also makes me think of the people I see and speak to almost every day, these people are the homeless who are selling the Big Issue. On my way to and from work, I make an effort to speak to these people. They have problems more severe than anyone else, but they get on with it. The song also makes me think about what lies ahead in my future. It makes me realise that at times things are tough, we don’t always know why, but we must believe that “there will be an answer” and that we must just “let it be”.

My choice for the song of the decade for 1960 is Let It Be by The Beatles.

Have a listen and enjoy:

Saturday 12 September 2009

Gary's Challenge

Hello people,

I apologise for the lack of posting in the past six months, but I'm back and back for good!
The first post is one that announces a challenge that my good friend Gary has given me. I must find and declare my top song from the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's and 2000's. I will post on here each time I find the top song of each decade with a link of how you can listen to it and an explanation as to why it is the top.


Saturday 7 March 2009


I believe a quote from the film Fight Club reflects my life very well at the moment, "When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake."

I cannot sleep. Haven't been sleeping well for a couple of months. And at the moment, my brother is visiting and trying to sleep on the floor in my room. Not sure if I'm keeping him awake, but I hope not!

Lately, I don't feel fully awake and like I said I'm not sleeping. So, my world is kind of strange right now!

Fun times lie ahead...

Thursday 5 March 2009

A Controversial Issue for the Return Of Matt's Blog

It has been a while since my last blog post. Many things have happened to me over the past few months. Bad things and good things. I’m back to write more posts, and hopefully create some kind of place where debate and discussions can be held.

Last night I went to a Physical Theatre dance performance at the University Theatre in which reactions to political and global events were explored. I enjoyed the performance, the friend I went with was a dancer and wasn’t as impressed as I was. This was probably because she was looking at the actual dance side of things, while I was simply taking in the subject matter and enjoying everything that was being performed.

The performance made me think. This is what the performance was designed to do. It was designed to make you enjoy, but also making you think about issues. Well one issue that got to me was their portrayal of what goes on at Guantanamo Bay and the issue of whether terrorist suspects should be tortured.

It is my opinion that everything should be done to stop acts of terrorism. Suspects who have been taken to Guantanamo Bay without a trial are not simply taken off the street after a police officer has driven by. The suspects have been watched and investigated for a long time. The suspects are suspected to be dangerous and to be knowledgeable of attacks against innocent lives. Taking them to trial would only delay the information we could get from them and has a serious risk of putting innocent lives in danger. Terrorists do not obey laws, they do not obey people’s civil rights, to catch them, to stop them, we must play by their rules. Some people may say this makes us no better than them, but I’m not talking about strapping bombs to ourselves and going to blow up innocent people. I’m talking about taking suspects to somewhere they cannot escape from and using every means necessary to find out what they know and stop attacks on innocent lives.

I’m probably going to get a lot of criticism for this opinion, and I don’t mind that. I would love to debate with people about this matter, or any other matter that they want to talk to me about. We all have different views on matters, and it is by listening to each other that we learn from each other.

Thanks for reading.