Wednesday 17 December 2008

War is Over, the Oil Has All Gone

The war is over, said Gordon Brown today. He has announced a plan to remove British Armed Forces from Iraq and has declared that we "leave Iraq a better place".
I'm wondering whether the war is actually over because Iraq is truly a better place (after hearing about car bombs going off almost everyday there, I'm not sure this is true) or whether there is no more oil to take, or another reason such as wanting another war somewhere else...
Well, anyway, my view about this news is simple. Too little, too late. Too many British citizens and Iraqi citizens, along with other nationalities who have fought in Iraq, have been killed. We haven't even been given a good enough reason for this war. Weapons of Mass Destruction that didn't exist. A dictator that was caught in a cave and hung. Other excuses that I can't remember, but all were unfounded. Excuses that do not excuse the death of these people.
Merry Christmas, war is over. For now.

1 comment:

Shigoobidoob said...

Mmmk, first of all, no WMDs? How can you be sure?

Planes found hidden under the sand. You know how much sand there is in Iraq and Afghanistan? You know how much easier it is to hide a missile than a plane? Yeah. I'm not saying that there definitely are WMDs out there, but it's very likely that if they did exist, they would be hidden much like this. But deeper. And you talk of taking out Saddam like it wasn't important. I'd say taking out a guy who killed many of his own people horribly is a pretty good thing to do. Even if America put him there in the first place. Something needed to be done about him, and it was done. I don't think anyone could have foreseen things going as shite as they have. And one more thing. If you meet someone who's been to Iraq in the army or similar, and say that they were there for no reason, and that the whole thing is pointless, be prepared to get your arse handed to you. Your views are extremely short sighted, and you make major assumptions that make you look a fool. Good job, douche.